Discover a Higher Purpose
What Are You Working For?
A conscious business aims to elevate humanity by providing solutions to worthy problems. Employees want to do work that is meaningful and work for a company that is caring. Customers want to buy safe products from a company that that cares about the environment. A higher purpose is more than a marketing slogan. It is a company’s true north.
In Conscious Capitalism, we measure the consciousness of purpose at five levels – from Bad Actor to Conscious Company. In the middle are companies who believe in Fair Play. Along the way, some companies strive to move up to be a Good Citizen. Where are you on this conscious continuum? Are you ready to seek a higher purpose?
To help you on your journey to higher purpose, we:
Experience the Conscious Capitalism journey
Engage your people in learning about Conscious Capitalism and how it transformed another company. This is an interactive simulation that provides an understanding of the change that will take place and the roles of all who are impacted.
Determine the level of the company’s consciousness
This front-end assessment determines who is willing and able are so that we can call in earnest partners on your journey. This group of internal ‘purpose partners’ becomes your internal guides in this journey of sustained change.
Conduct a Purpose Summit
We design and facilitate a collaborative process that unfolds your organization’s higher purpose. The Purpose Summit engages ‘purpose partners” who represent all stakeholders and levels in the company. At the end of the process, a business has discovered their worthy purpose.
Design a Purpose Map and Use it to Navigate
A picture tells a thousand words. Once you have discovered your higher purpose, it’s time to communicate it. Rather than words on a wall or announcements, a Purpose Map provides an innovative picture that illustrates the company’s purpose. The Purpose Map helps stakeholders understand the Why of your new Why.
Create a Purpose Plan
One percent of transformation is discovering the purpose. Ninety-nine percent of transformation is creating a plan for change. We partner with the company’s leaders and ‘purpose partners’ to design, implement, measure, and revise the change steps.
Improve Job Design
Employees want their jobs to be meaningful. They are not inspired by laying bricks. They want to feel that they are building a cathedral. Employees are engaged when they know how their work contributes to the greater good. This greater good is more than corporate social responsibility. Together, you are co-designing goodness into the very job itself.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“Kris designed the training program that was the foundation for our sales culture. “Within two years, Viacom Cable’s training program for its sales and customer service reps had measurable and impressive results. The cable industry grew by 350,000 premium units. Viacom, America’s 10th largest cable company, sold a staggering 25% of these premium units. We really outperformed the industry in selling premium services like HBO and Showtime.”