Strategic distinction: outstanding customer service. And to achieve that outstanding customer service, Pacific Bell invested in the systems and support of all front-line employees—inbound sales, installers, repair technicians, customer services reps.
We developed the Pacific Bell Customer College. The College contained a series of courses for each front-line job. Each course employed a combination of workshop with video-taped examples and audio taped role plays. After the workshop, employees further mastered their skills with self-study, skills tests to determine specialized instructional needs, performance monitoring with feedback and skills coaching, and other skills mastery techniques.
Pacific Bell supervisors were cross-trained in the courses, and then taught how to monitor and coach the skills. To create inter-rater reliability among monitors, they held calibration meetings to determine performance standards. Supervisors helped to increase the value of training by ensuring that skills were increased and used on the job.
We also taught Pacific Bell how to develop their own performance-based training courses.