Develop a Conscious Culture
What’s Like to Work Here?
Every company has a culture, but very few by design. As we know, “culture eats strategy for lunch” is a maxim that recounts the importance of culture. Culture are the norms, customs, rituals, and vibe of the workplace. A strong, intentional culture helps a business thrive in good times and survive in difficulties.
Do you know what your culture really is? What would employees say? How do your supplies feel about you? Is your culture helping you achieve your purpose, engage employees, and create raving fans of your customer?
To develop a conscious culture, we:
Build a C.A.R.E.-ing Culture
Culture is a critical element in creating a conscious company. All companies have a culture, not many by design. Employees value culture more than compensation.
Your company’s values are determined by employee actions. A C.A.R.E.-ing culture is one in which all act with Compassion, Wise Advice, Respect, and Empathy. Employees show it to each other, to customers, to other stakeholders.
We help you with solutions that are tailored to your needs. We assess the extent to which employees C.A.R.E. We close the gaps with experiential training that changes hearts and minds. We review your systems to monitor, coach, and reward those who C.A.R.E.
Build a Learning Culture
This culture surrounds the learner with the support they need to make sure that learning is turned into skills. Better than ping pong and beer breaks, an intrinsically rewarding culture keeps employees engaged. For many employees, their own development is one of the best rewards.
We create a learning culture with a skills pipeline that clearly defines what’s needed in each job; methods to develop those skills; individual development plans; and support to get those development plans accomplished.
Co-create Sustainable Systems that Reinforce the Culture
Building a culture is not a one-and-done event. Sustain a C.A.R.E.-ing culture by knitting it into the fabric of the organization.
Help Employees Thrive
Employees want growth and meaning. Give it to them in an engaging workshop that helps employees discover their own life’s theme. Inspiring ideas such as . . . Aim for the heart. Rediscover your childhood. Break new ground. Take a leap of faith.
These themes are told in a story that conveys a fun, motivating, engaging workshop that takes participants on a virtual journey of discovery. The story is based on the exciting race to be the first to reach the South Pole.
Participants gain resilience and determination which are aimed at personal goals to achieve a heightened sense of self. Businesses use this workshop to create the crew that gets them through challenges.
You can learn about the inspiration for this workshop here.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“Our partnership is one of my fondest memories as a young executive. I truly believe we made a conscious impact on the business and your inspiring leadership and attention to systematic detail made the difference! Those choosing to work with you will only benefit from the care and expertise you bring to any situation. ”
“Kris Schaeffer did an excellent job. Not only did she train in the general principles of CARE, but she modeled these in the most effective style I have ever witnessed. Her ability to involve our participants in the training process contributed to what we view as the most beneficial training program we’ve been involved in.”
“We are a for-profit training company. Good instructional design is a competitive advantage. Kris created the instructional design systems.. . . in a particularly challenging environment with two corporate locations and all remote SMEs. She analyzed our needs, developed a template for the instructional design of our workshops, developed a prototype of the design, taught our SMEs how to execute this with the content, and coached SMEs.”
“Turn On A Dime Award presented to Kris Schaeffer & Associates. In recognition of an unbelievable ability to avoid whiplash while practicing the art of mind reading simultaneously with developing, producing, and presenting training.”